Spyshop Utrecht

Sitcon - Utrecht
Twente harbor 11
3433 PT Nieuwegein
+ 31 (0) 30 6303631

  • Our store
    In Nieuwegein on the De Wiers industrial estate
    our store is located.

  • personal advice
    Our experienced employees are happy to provide you
    appropriate advice.

    Spyshop Amsterdam
  • Plenty of choice
    In our store we have many items ready
    to demonstrate to you.

    Spyshop Amsterdam
  • Everything on stock
    Usually everything is in stock. On the product pages
    you can see the actual store stock.

    Spyshop Amsterdam
  • Accessibility
    At Twentehaven 11 in Nieuwegein you can get in front of the door (free)
    parking. Our shop is also easily accessible by public transport.

  • Pick-up counter
    This week our collection counter is open at the following times.
    The current opening information is also displayed on the left side of the website.

    Monday: 09:30 hour to 17:30
    Tuesday: 09:30 hour to 17:30
    Wednesday: 09:30 hour to 17:30
    Thursday: 09:30 hour to 17:30
    Friday: 09:30 hour to 17:00
    Saturday: Closed. Maaseik is open
    Sunday: Closed


Company Information:
Sitcon BV
+31 (0) 30 6303631
Chamber of Commerce number: 3032396424
VAT number: 819292059B01

More company information